How to Wash Pillows in a Washing Machine for a Fresh and Clean Sleep

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Pillows are an integral part of our sleep experience, offering support and comfort night after night. However, with regular use, pillows can accumulate dirt, sweat, oils, and allergens, leading to a decline in their cleanliness and freshness. Washing your pillows in a washing machine is a convenient and effective way to remove stains, odors, and allergens, restoring them to their optimal condition. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of washing pillows in a washing machine, ensuring you enjoy a fresh and revitalized sleep environment.

Understanding the Importance of Washing Pillows:

Pillows absorb body oils, sweat, and dead skin cells over time, providing an ideal breeding ground for dust mites and allergens. Regular washing helps eliminate these allergens and ensures a cleaner sleep surface, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and skin irritations.

Materials You’ll Need:

Before you begin, gather the following materials:

  1. Mild detergent
  2. White vinegar
  3. Baking soda
  4. Tennis balls (optional)
  5. Clean, dry towels

Step-by-Step Guide to Washing Pillows in a Washing Machine:

  1. Check the Care Label: Review the care label on your pillows to determine if they are machine washable. Follow any specific instructions or recommendations provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Pre-treat Stains (if necessary): Inspect your pillows for any visible stains or spots. Pre-treat stubborn stains by applying a small amount of mild detergent directly to the affected areas and gently rubbing it in with a soft brush or cloth.
  3. Load the Washing Machine: Place your pillows in the washing machine, ensuring there is enough space for them to move freely during the wash cycle. Avoid overcrowding the machine, as this can affect the cleaning effectiveness.
  4. Add Detergent and White Vinegar: Pour a moderate amount of mild detergent into the washing machine, followed by half a cup of white vinegar. The vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener and helps eliminate odors.
  5. Set the Wash Cycle: Select the gentle or delicate cycle on your washing machine with a warm water temperature setting. Avoid using hot water, as it may damage the fibers of your pillows.
  6. Incorporate Baking Soda (optional): Enhance the cleaning power by adding half a cup of baking soda to the wash cycle. Baking soda helps neutralize odors and brighten fabrics without causing any harm.
  7. Include Tennis Balls (optional): Toss clean tennis balls or dryer balls into the washing machine to prevent your pillows from clumping together and ensure even distribution of detergent and water.
  8. Initiate the Wash Cycle: Start the wash cycle and allow the machine to complete the entire washing process. Monitor the cycle to ensure the pillows are being washed thoroughly.
  9. Inspect and Rinse (if necessary): After the wash cycle is complete, inspect the pillows for any remaining stains or detergent residue. If needed, rinse the pillows under cold water until the water runs clear.
  10. Dry the Pillows: Transfer the pillows to the dryer along with clean, dry towels to absorb excess moisture. Use a low heat setting and tumble dry until the pillows are completely dry. Ensure they are thoroughly dried to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  11. Fluff and Air Out: Once dry, fluff up your pillows by giving them a gentle shake or pat. Allow your pillows to air out in a well-ventilated area to ensure they are completely dry and fresh before placing them back on your bed.

Additional Tips for Pillow Care:

  1. Rotate and Flip Your Pillows: Extend the lifespan of your pillows by rotating and flipping them regularly to distribute the wear and tear evenly.
  2. Invest in Pillow Protectors: Consider using pillow protectors to shield your pillows from stains, spills, and allergens, prolonging their cleanliness and freshness.
  3. Spot Clean as Needed: Address spills or stains promptly by spot-cleaning your pillows with a mild detergent and water solution. Blot the area gently and allow it to air dry.
  4. Sunlight and Fresh Air: On a sunny day, place your pillows outdoors to air them out and allow the sunlight to naturally disinfect and freshen them.


1. How often should I wash my pillows in the washing machine? It is recommended to wash your pillows every 3 to 6 months, or as needed, to maintain their cleanliness and freshness.

2. Can I wash all types of pillows in a washing machine? While many pillows are machine washable, it’s essential to check the care label and manufacturer’s instructions before washing to ensure compatibility.

3. Should I wash my pillows separately or with other laundry items? It’s best to wash pillows separately or with similar items to prevent them from becoming tangled and ensure thorough cleaning.

4. Can I use regular detergent to wash my pillows, or do I need a special detergent? You can use mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics to wash your pillows. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals, as they may damage the pillow fibers.

5. How can I prevent my pillows from clumping during the wash cycle? Adding clean tennis balls or dryer balls to the washing machine helps fluff up the pillows and prevents them from clumping together during the wash cycle.

6. Can I wash feather or down pillows in a washing machine? Feather and down pillows can typically be washed in a washing machine, but it’s essential to follow specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

7. Should I dry my pillows in the dryer, or can I air dry them? Pillows can be dried in the dryer on a low heat setting until they are completely dry. Alternatively, you can air dry them outdoors in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight.

8. How do I know when my pillows are fully dry? To ensure your pillows are fully dry, check for any lingering moisture or dampness by pressing down on them with your hands. Pillows should feel completely dry to the touch before use.

9. Can I wash memory foam pillows in a washing machine? Memory foam pillows are not typically recommended for machine washing, as the agitation and moisture can damage the foam. Instead, spot clean memory foam pillows as needed.

10. How long does it take to wash and dry pillows in a washing machine? The washing and drying time for pillows can vary depending on factors such as the size of the pillows, the wash cycle selected, and the drying method used. Generally, washing and drying pillows can take approximately 2 to 3 hours.


Washing your pillows in a washing machine is a simple yet effective way to maintain their cleanliness, freshness, and comfort. By following these comprehensive steps and incorporating regular pillow maintenance into your cleaning routine, you can ensure a healthier sleep environment and prolong the lifespan of your pillows for years to come. Enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of clean and fresh pillows, and experience the difference in your sleep quality and comfort.

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